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Summaries World About This Book: Hello friends, You are very welcome on the Summaries World. We have brought for you a project that we are e...

BHAGWAD GEETA - Chapter 1 - Book Summary

Summaries World

About This Book:

Hello friends,

You are very welcome on the Summaries World. We have brought for you a project that we are excited to do. But we know that you too are desperate to hear it.

Yes, this is the Srimad Bhagavad-gītā. But before we start this, there are some things that we consider important to share with you.

It is known to all of us that God i.e. God is the same, but because of not recognizing him or not knowing it, we do not believe it. There are many reasons for not knowing God. The first of which is that it is not visible. Think when the soul cannot be seen with the eyes, then how can we see the supreme soul.

Supreme means Supreme - Ala or Allah. Nobody is higher than them.
He is an author and everything else is his creation.

Just as a soul has to take a human body to say its own thing and we are called humans or human beings, in the same way, say science or spiritual science. The supreme soul also has to take the base of the human body.
  1. Spirituality means soul - the study of this world drama wheel.
  2. Religion means the rules that were made for humans.
There are about 12 main religions in the world and all of them have said the same thing for the nature of God. That is why God is also called omniscient.

Just like God is a Noor and there is only one, the first messenger who introduced the man to this principle was Hazrat Ibrahim. Hazrat Ibrahim is said to be the main founder of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In all three religions, God has been called Light ie Noor, Light form. Hazrat Moses i.e. Moses / Light was also interviewed and he gave 10 commandments as a principle for the human community.

The founder of Zoroastrianism i.e. Zoroastrianism, Juruastra also experienced God in fire, light and form. Jesus Christie Hazrat Isa also spoke of the attributes of that one divine being called God is Light and Christ's teachings were scripted and stored in the Bible by his disciples.

Hazrat Mohammad Prophet Sahib handed over the holy book Quran to the followers of Islam, based on the teachings received by Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Musa, and interviews with the Supreme God. For any person living on the earth, that is, of human beings, who do not have the courage to tamper with this book, containing the higher teachings, it was given the responsibility of safeguarding it by calling it a book from the house of Allah.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has praised one Omkar i.e. one God and then his disciples scripted his words and teachings and kept Guru-Granth Sahib for all the other followers.

Books of Hinduism are divided on the basis of Shruti and Smriti. Shruti means the sacred books listened to are the Vedas and Upanishads. The holy books based on Smriti i.e. interview and remembrance are Puranas and Ramayana and Mahabharata epics. The most read and followed book by the general public is Ramayana. After this, Gita - Gyan is the most heard and read.

During the war of Mahabharata, the precious knowledge given about the religion of the soul i.e. spirituality is called Gita. Which was later scripted and presented as Srimad Bhagavad Purana.

According to the ancient knowledge described in the Srimad Bhagavad Purana, the formless Shiva God gave the divine true knowledge of the Gita first - first to Brahma. On the basis of this divine knowledge, the creation and ages of creation were created by Brahma Ji, which were divided on the basis of the day of Brahma and the night of Brahma. Satyuga and Treta Yuga are called the days of Brahma and Dwapara and Kaliyuga are called the nights of Brahma. Adi Sanatan Dharma was established on the basis of this knowledge.

The good thing is that there are about 12 main religions in all the above-mentioned religions and the world and in all these, the nature of God is told as the formless/light form / God is Light.

Here the feeling behind sharing all these things is that none of the prophets of religion promoters or message bearers declared themselves to be God. Even in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, it was said through Shri Krishna Ji that God never takes birth. He is formless beyond birth and death, is bodiless. According to the words of the Gita, whoever considers God as a bodily being does not know God.

Arjuna has also been given a clear direction i.e. clear direction to meditate on the divine form by staying in its true form i.e. self-realization.

Then the question arises that when the nature of God is one, their attributes are the same, then how did so many religions become? And why should all live together?

The answer is not to understand your religious texts properly. Yes. This smallmouth may seem like a big deal, but it is true.

This can be understood through this example. Both Gandhiji and Godse used to recite Srimad Bhagavad-gītā every day. Every day he used to read some chapter of Gita.
But one read the Gita and embraced truth, non-violence, and celibacy and fought against the weaknesses within, and the other took the path of violence.

We all know God as much as we ourselves. We recognize the demigods i.e. gods and goddesses, we recognize the deities, we recognize saints and souls. Great souls and human beings recognize souls. But we have not been able to recognize that one supreme soul. Perhaps that's why we have been fighting each other till now in the name of religion. But true knowledge will never be distributed, it will unite everyone. will unite, and that is called spirituality.

There is no doubt that the message of God is that protecting religion protects you, but it is also a matter of realization that God says to protect the soul's spirituality (spirituality). Which are peace and purity. The religion of the body is left only with death, but peace and purity are required by the soul even after leaving the body. And no matter who is born in any religion, everyone seeks peace and peace.

However, we all know that many scholars have commented on Srimad Bhagavad Gita in their own way. They have also removed their own versions. We have no such intention here. We all also know that in the last period of history, Indian books and religious texts have been destroyed many times, so it is not possible to get a complete truth. But whatever truth we get from it, we sincerely thank the Gita, who is called Shiromani, and all those who preserve its form, for this.

Our aim is to make the best ideas available to the gigglers. It is said that the father of the Sanskrit language is Adi Guru Shankaracharya. Those whose birth is said to be of the 17th century. Therefore, we understand that the knowledge of the Gita must have been spoken in the Dev-Nagari which the people of that time used to speak and explain. We have not even tried to tie this precious knowledge of Gita into languages ​​with the same purpose. We chose a simple language style so that all Hindi speaking belt gigglers could understand it easily.
Yes, one more thing - if we really want the knowledge of the song to be understood by us, then we should consider listening to these chapters considering ourselves Arjuna, that is, a soul who is acquiring knowledge.
  • Kurukshetra means Karma Kshetra
  • Crusade means the war of good and evil within us
  • Yoga means the way to meet the divine soul
Have you heard about the war in Kurukshetra? It is said that in that war fought for the establishment of religion, so many people lost their lives that the soil there had become red with blood. Do you know what Shri Krishna said to Prince Arjuna when he was surrounded by sorrow and fascination thinking about the destruction caused by the war? After all, why was that war fought, what was its purpose?

"Bhagavad Geeta" means the song sung by God. It is not so easy to understand the depth of this holy book. Many learned people say that even though this war was fought on the land of Kurukshetra with weapons, but the purpose of the message given in this is to convince us that our mind is also a battlefield like Kurukshetra where greed, fascination, anger, lust etc. Kauravas. Like 100 demerits, which we have to overcome by defeating our five senses, which are the symbols of the five Pandavas, only then we can live a happy life and get liberation.

Shri Krishna is a symbol of our mind's voice or soul or consciousness, who helps us by answering questions at the time of dilemma. Every human is a symbol of Arjuna, who is surrounded by a dilemma.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita does not preach but teaches man the right way to live life. The knowledge of this nectar is not limited to any one religion. In this, Shri Krishna has told many precious things for the whole creation, if we are introduced in our life, then we can avoid countless problems.

In this holy book, you will learn about the mysteries of the universe, about which questions often arise in our mind. During the Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna has given answers to many unresolved questions related to life.
Through this book, you will start to see spirituality from a different perspective.

The things mentioned in it still fit perfectly because the human mind is still struggling with the same disorders and dilemmas as it was battling thousands of years ago and the reason is ignorance. The things mentioned in it ignite ignorance and light a lamp of knowledge in the mind, so that a person begins to understand everything clearly and his restless mind becomes calm. You can examine these things in every aspect of your life. If seen, life's journey is like a sea, in which we have to reach from one shore to another, storms and waves are the challenges that we have to face during this journey and this holy book, which is from time and time cycle Beyond is the boat that shows us the right path, prevents us from sinking into despair and darkness.

BHAGWAD GEETA - Chapter 1 - Book Summary

Chapter 1: Nostalgia Yoga

The forces were standing ready on both sides in the field of Kurukshetra, due to the tension there was a strange heaviness in the air. On one side were five Pandava brothers, whose army included many knights. On the other hand, there were hundred Kaurava brothers whose army was adorned with many maharishis and the Narayani army of Shri Krishna increased their strength even more. Dwarkadhish Srikrishna swore that he would not take up arms in this war, so he asked Arjuna and Duryodhana to elect one of them and his Narayani army. Arjuna chose Shri Krishna. Because Arjuna was his supreme friend, Shri Krishna became his charioteer to guide him.

It was time for the war to begin, Pandu's son Arjun's eyes went towards the standing army. There he saw his brother, his children, Gurujan and Bhishma Pitamah. This war was not like a normal war where two kings were fighting for their supremacy or kingdom. This war, known as the Dharma war, is the story of a struggle between people of the same family, who were born of greed and arrogance.

Both sides were watching their enemy carefully, they were seen everywhere. He was a cousin to say, but in the greed of power, the eyes of the Kauravas were covered.

Dhritarashtra and Pandu were two brothers. Dhritarashtra had a hundred sons, of which Duryodhana was the eldest. It was filled with arrogance and greed. It is said that he was so wicked and unrighteous that at the time of his birth, nature too became depressed. Pandu had five sons, the Pandavas, who were the people walking the path of religion. Duryodhana was obsessed with becoming the emperor. In any case, he wanted his victory by defeating the Pandavas in this war. Neither did he care about the lives of innocents, nor was he sad to lose his brothers. He was sure that his victory was sure to be with the nobles like Bhishma Pitamah, Angraj Karna, Ashwathama and Guru Dronacharya. But contrary to his belief, the victory was to be won by the Pandavas because Shri Krishna was on their side. Shri Krishna was in favour of religion.

The Pandavas were very knowledgeable as well as powerful warriors, they did not want this war. He only wanted the right of five villages so that all the happiness could live in peace. But when Duryodhana refused to give even a piece of land to the Pandavas, there was no other way but war. In the Bhagavad-gītā, knowledge means understanding the elements of this body, soul and the divine.

On behalf of the Kauravas, Bhishma Pitamah roared like a lion and blew a conch. After this, the conch, the drums, the drums all rang together, and the sound of which roared fiercely. On the other hand, Sri Krishna and Arjuna seated on a supernatural and divine chariot adorned with white horses. The rest of the brothers in his favour played different divine conch shells. The earth and sky shook with the echoes of all their conch shells.

As the chariot started moving, Arjun's heart was filled with deep sorrow after seeing his people in front. When he could not find any answer to his dilemma, he told Shri Krishna the anguish of his mind. According to the belief, it is said that Shri Krishna Ji had stopped the time and this divine dialogue of Gita took place between Shri Krishna and Arjuna. At the same time, Maharishi Vyas gave divine vision to Sanjay, through which he could see, hear and hear every incident happening from Hastinapur to Kurukshetra. He saw this dialogue and war between Sri Krishna and Arjun and told Dhritarashtra. Sri Krishna answered every question of Arjun to calm his restless mind and then this great book came into existence.

Verse 1:

Arjun said, "O Keshav, place my chariot between the two armies. I want to see these warriors who are desirous of fighting in the war zone, with whom I will have to fight in this battle. ”
In this verse, it has been told that Arjun was weak in seeing his own people. His mind was getting restless and before starting the war he wanted to see which of the warriors he had to face as an enemy.
A truly knowledgeable and compassionate person can never cause trouble and sorrow to anyone. Arjuna was a great warrior as well as very knowledgeable. He was a true devotee of God and very kind. He had no desire to fight his brother and family. He did not believe in killing anyone. Therefore, thinking about the outcome of the war, his mind was filled with grief.
Similarly, when we face a difficult situation in the struggle of life, we get nervous, we get scared. At that time, we should also stop and look closely at that problem or situation and understand what kind of challenges we are going to face. By doing this, we will be able to prepare ourselves to fight it.

Verse 2:

Arjuna said - "O Krishna, everyone here is my own, how should I shed their blood?" No Madhav, it will not happen to me. Looking at my loved ones, my mind is getting weak, my mouth is being drained and my body is shivering. My Gandeev Dhanush is missing from my hand. Maybe I am not even able to stand up now. I keep forgetting myself, my mind is getting confused. "
Arjun was feeling physical pain because his idea of ​​war was against the stream. Due to the love of their loved ones, there was a curtain of confusion on their mind and the mind was starting to weaken. He felt so deeply sad that his tears spilt. In the battle of good and bad thoughts, people who have good thoughts more in their minds, do not have the attachment to wealth, power, throne. Instead of these things, they consider the life of every human being precious. Here, his physical symptoms do not show his weakness but his tenderness and kindness of heart.

The same thing happens in life when something is contrary to our mind, then it seems very difficult to accept it. When a person is surrounded by sorrow and despair, many questions arise in his mind. Seeing the blockages in front, his mind starts to weaken. When faced with a hopeless and crisis-ridden situation, we panic and give up. Our intelligence gets confused due to ignorance.

Verse 3:

"Hey, Keshav! I am seeing the bad results of the war. How can we get welfare by killing our loved ones in war? In this way, I neither want to win nor the state and the happiness of the world. Even if all three worlds are given to me, I will not want to kill anyone, then what is the cost of this small kingdom on earth in front of heaven? ”
Meaning :
Staying in Arjun's mind, I was thinking that what will I gain from this war and what will I lose. Can a victory achieved by killing someone please? Can a person be happy by grieving someone?

Whether you believe in the existence of God or not, but the absolute truth is that every action has a reaction. Whatever action you do, there will definitely be some result in front of you. Even after knowing this principle of action-reaction, if we do something wrong intentionally, then we cannot experience peace. Arjun was also getting upset thinking about the result of his karma.

Verse 4:

Arjun said, "O Keshav! How will we be happy by killing our own family? It is true that they have become corrupt due to unrighteous greed but by killing them I will not be relieved, by killing them, we will only commit sin. Shouldn't we think of avoiding this sin? "
It has been told here that when a person becomes obsessed with getting something, then he does not fail to take the path of wrongdoing. Killing her own brothers, as Duryodhana was planning to do, tells of a man who does not listen to his conscience. Arjun never left the religion and policy. But people like Duryodhana do not hesitate to change their policy for their selfishness. Arjun was thinking how can someone be so impatient to do such a disgusting thing as killing someone. This is a great sin. Has greed blinded them so much that they have become thirsty for the blood of their own people? Arjun was thinking in his mind that it is more appropriate to forgive the Kauravas than to kill them in order to get the kingdom.
It is told in this verse that there is no end to human desires and often he adopts wrong paths to fulfil his desire like Duryodhana did. That is why we need to keep our desires and feelings under control, otherwise, it can have terrible consequences. To give happiness to this body, it is not right to do bad things to anyone.

Verse 5:

"Hey, Madhav! Destruction of the family will be destroyed, due to which sin will increase and future generations will also be ruined. Whose religion is destroyed becomes a partner of sin? We, being intelligent, are eager to kill our loved ones for greed and pleasure. It would be better if I lay down my arms and the sons of Dhritarashtra kill me, that death will also be more beneficial and beneficial for me. "
Arjun wants to say here that when the elders of the house passed away, the foundation of the house is shaken and the family starts to disintegrate, then the family is destroyed, which has to bear the consequences for the next generation. On the destruction of the clan, the old religion is destroyed, due to which iniquity and sin spread in the whole family. For a small piece of land, he did not want to put so much at stake. To prevent this destruction, he was ready to die. But the battlefield was decorated and they knew that in the end, they would have to fight. Restless with this sorrow, Arjun gave up his bow and went to sit in the chariot.
Arjun was intelligent but he forgot that when the old religion is misused, then it is necessary to destroy it. Only after its destruction can the foundation of new construction be laid. Change is the law of nature, so we should not panic.

Here the state of mind of the human is shown that when he sees the elections standing in front of him, he gets nervous and after giving absurd arguments and wants to run away. If nothing else, he starts to give all the baseless arguments as to why it is the right decision to retreat. The power to understand his thinking is lost and he is unable to take the right steps. In such a situation, it is important to calm your restless mind, boost your morale and face it steadily instead of running away from your karma.


Every chapter of Gita teaches us something. Actually, it works to connect our mind land with the battlefield of life. Here through Arjuna, the dilemma and state of mind of every human being are shown that when he is faced with a challenge in life struggle, how does his mind get surrounded by questions and he tries to run away with different excuses is.

When we face a challenge, many questions arise in our mind. These questions give rise to anxiety and fear which weaken our mind. The only way to avoid this is to gain knowledge and information. Knowledge answers our questions and only after getting the answers do the mind calm down and a calm mind can think clearly and make the right decision.

The war of life can be won only when we have knowledge. After that, no matter how big and difficult a challenge, thoughts become clear through knowledge and we know what to do and what steps to take.

The message of the first chapter of Gita is: The root cause of all the sorrows and sufferings in this world is our weakness in not being able to face the struggle.

Try to understand whatever challenge is in front of you, only then you will be able to prepare yourself to face it.

 In our heartland, there is a constant struggle between positive and negative thoughts, in which you do not have to let negative thoughts dominate you.

Whenever your mind starts to get weak after seeing the problems of life, then increase your own morale and face the difficulties firmly. Do not make excuses and try to run away from it. Do your work with full vigour.

 Always remember one thing that not taking any action is also an action and its reaction will definitely come in front of you, so there is more hope of getting success from thoughtful action. You have to renounce the weakness of your mind, not your karma.

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