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Summaries World About This Book: To become a businessman, you do not need a suit, a business plan and an office. If your dream is to start a...

REWORK - Book Summary - David Heinemeier Hansson & Jason Fried

Summaries World

About This Book:

To become a businessman, you do not need a suit, a business plan and an office. If your dream is to start a business, then this book is for you. If you are an artist or a 9-5 working employee, then you have a chance to earn a profitable profit and become a boss. Anyone can run a business. Rework makes it simple and easy for you.

Who should read this book:

Owners, artists, regular employees of small business who want to become businessmen

About author:

David Hennimier Hanson and Jason Fried are programmers and co-founders of software company Basecamp. Hanson works as CTO while Fried is CEO. They have written four books together, including Rework. Fried is also a content writer while Hanson is a race car driver.

REWORK - Book Summary - David Heinemeier Hansson & Jason Fried

Let's We Start Summary:


  • Have you ever had a good business idea but were hesitant to implement it?
  • Were you afraid of the lack of knowledge and how much time you will have to spend in this new business?
  • Did you get motivated when you came to know that you have the strength to do a lot of competition? 
Guess what, every person who comes up with a business idea has to face it. Jason Fried and David Heinemeyer had a good idea. And they were not afraid to implement it. And what they learned from their experience is a bit surprising - you don't have to be afraid of long hours, business meetings and other boring work.

As you will see in this (summary), you do not need to find investors and partners (at least not initially). quite the contrary. According to Fried and Heinemeyer, these kinds of things actually hinder your chances of succeeding in your business. And these two people are not random people who have decided to write a book and earn money. He proved his reputations a few years ago when he created Ruby on Rails, a well-known programming language. You may have never heard of it,

But some very popular apps and sites like Shopify and Twitter would probably not exist today if it were not a programming language. Do you want to know what the writers of REWORK learned from creating a multi-million company? So sticking with this book, we will tell you about the important idea. Your idea should be related to something for which you will fight, especially, do not start a business only because you want to make a lot of money. Sure, sometimes this greedy attitude also leads to success, but many times it hurts. This is because if you only pay attention to money, then you will sometimes be careless about the important tasks around your company in order to save more money. And this negligence will cause a lot of damage (from every angle) in the long run.

Suppose you started a small company that builds applications. You have only a few employees, but, of course, you want to increase it somewhere in the future. Now, if your focus is just to make money, then you will start spreading it from the beginning and hire more and more employees. Many times, this means that you will pay very little salary. And guess what happens when people take less money for their work? You are right, they will work less, it is so simple. On the other hand, you can adopt a different vision. Instead of just focusing on the money, you can say something like this: “Wait a minute.

My company has a product. I want this product to be the best. Money is only a byproduct of my company's quality. If building good applications means I owe more money to my employee, then I will. ”This is, of course, one of many examples. You can apply this type of thinking in all areas of business: pharmaceuticals, gaming and programming, design… there are countless options. We do not want to say that money is not a motivator. But money is not the most important thing. Do you think Bill Gates wanted to be the richest man in the world even when he started his own business? Probably not.

He was simply a young programmer who loved to do and wanted to produce the best product. And after some 30 years, leading one of the strongest companies in the world. And with Bill Gates, we come to another important topic. Those who enter the business for profit only, they become very powerful and fancy as soon as they become "successful". Not so with Bill Gates. You won't see it on the yellow pages of a sensational magazine. He is the same with his children. For example, Bill Gates is very careful about his children's use of technology. He knows how difficult it is to earn money, and he wants to nurture those who know the real things well. And you yourself, if you really want to succeed, should try to do something like this. To conclude, focus on what you love. It is not as complex.

Big corporate marketing is not for small honest companies:

In the first chapter, we said that more important than making money is to create a quality-focused company. Here we will keep going in that direction. If you follow it, the most important advice is "rework"; You can naturally follow this one: Forget about the usual (false) marketing strategies. If you really focus on what you love, if you are really ready to fight for what you have, then you don't need big marketing. Certainly, the growth of your company will probably be a little slow, but you will be able to focus all your attention on the things that matter, not the minor marketing things that everyone focuses on.

Let's start with our own experience. How many times have you seen a TV advertisement that says: "Buy this hair product!" This will make your hair more beautiful than ever! Remember the coworker who ignored you? Now he has to notice you because your hair will be very beautiful and will also smell good. ”Needless to say that we have not tried to be completely realistic, but you are aware of it. When you hear something like this, you immediately know that the advertisement is lying. The whole purpose of advertising and marketing is to pressure you to buy something. End of the story It does not matter that they have to lie to explain it to you.

You do not want to resort to this type of marketing, especially if you are trying to sell something that has some quality. Of course, we do not want to say that you have to ignore marketing altogether. Marketing is important, but it is also not necessary to get caught up in this dishonest game. For example, instead of creating some advertisements that we have all seen more than a thousand times, create something that is most different, something extraordinary. For example, instead of creating some Christmas-themed ads, you can create your own ad in a tropical environment.

In addition, Coca-Cola has already monetized Christmas with countless TV commercials. This means that Christmas advertising for Coca-Cola is profitable, and not for you. Therefore, be simple, and instead of focusing on marketing, try to create a product that is so good that it doesn't even need marketing. We live in a society that works on values. In such a society, it is easy to get completely immersed in work all the time and forget all the other important things in the world.

More importantly, if you force yourself to work for a long time, you will become less productive. Instead, do as much work as you want. Likewise, do not demand others to work long hours. By doing this, your employees will respect you, because they will see that you treat them as human beings, not as cash machines. The people of the west also brag about how much work they do and the past. How many hours has he worked for the week? This is certainly fine, but it does not mean that everyone should be a workaholic.

Workers are particularly concerned about their work. He is also a perfectionist at the same time. It is a deadly combination because it means that nothing can really be done. Let's take a real-life example. Mark was working in an accounting firm. Throughout his life, he had a passion for fulfilling his responsibilities — first at school and now at his job. As a result, he would become extremely restless even at the slightest hint of frying a little work. Whenever he realized that it would take a little longer to finish the work, he was so tense that he ignored everything to complete the work.

He did not do food, sleep and other normal activities. As a result, he was ill for a long time and was not even able to do the work that had been gathered. Mark was also a perfectionist. Nothing was good. He would always find some mistakes that needed fixing. And when that mistake was rectified, he would find another mistake and keep doing so. Needless to say, it was just as stressful for him as others around him who were not perfectionists. Therefore, not only did Mark stop himself, but he also disappointed his colleagues. This does not mean that you should give up all mistakes. But, what is needed is to be considered and not on small mistakes.

Instead of doing this, try to work until it suits you. The most important thing to become a skilled worker is to work continuously for a few hours. When you really focus on something, you don't want to be disturbed by Facebook messages, Instagram posts and other disturbance. But in the world we live in, it is very difficult to separate yourself from such things - this is why you have to work hard for it, especially when you are accustomed to checking your social network every 5 minutes. Have gone

This is probably one of the things that Jason Fried and David Heinemeier emphasized the most — they are programmers, and they couldn't afford that wasteful information wastes their time. If you want to reduce the use of your social media while working, just turn off the phone, or at least turn off the internet. There are other technologies as well - for example, you can place your phone somewhere in the office from where the phone is difficult to use, which is why you will rarely be able to go and pick up the phone. Of course, there are other ways, but find the one that suits you the most.

The next thing that is very bad for productivity is a long, wasteful staff meeting. Fried and Heinemeyer hated this type of meeting, and here's the reason - 10 people attend a meeting that only lasts an hour. This means that 10 hours of focused work has been spent on something other than hard work. Of course, meetings are not always bad - there are some important decisions that cannot be made without organizing a meeting - but you need to be very careful not to take it too far. There are several ways that you can prevent a meeting from getting in the way of productivity - just set a timer at the beginning of the meeting. When the time is up, so will the meeting. simple as that.

In addition, employers usually do not like these meetings for the first time. People who are shy will not like to speak in front of a lot of people because it is not their thing. This is why you should not think that everything is organized during a meeting - face to face interaction with shy people is always better. In such a conversation, he can be put further behind, so that he will probably be able to give better suggestions and ultimately, it will be less stress for him. You need less than you think to start your business

Today's people are very cautious about the future - they do not spend their time and money in such a thing until they are fully convinced that the work will be beneficial for them. This is the reason why many people never develop their business ideas. Today's world teaches you how to prepare everything carefully, plan ahead 10 years, gather investor etc. In "Rework" you will learn that all these are excuses for not starting your business. Suppose you have the idea of ​​opening a Vietnamese restaurant in your own city. You love Vietnamese food and enjoy cooking it and see people returning empty plates. Naturally, you will want to expand.

However, immediately you face many hurdles: which place to open?; How tough the competition will be; What is your 5-year plan?; After some time, you will probably leave everything and sit in your comfort zone. What Fried and Heinemeyer teach you is simply to do what you love. Just open the restaurant and see where it is going. In the process of leading a restaurant, you will be successful in making some important changes that will lead you to success. And you will not be able to see the possibilities for these changes until you take your first bold step.

Today on the Internet, you can see millions of self-made consultants who try to convince you. They tell business and entrepreneurship in such a difficult way that you will not even understand it, which is why you have to pay them to help you. Don't fall for these people - usually, they don't have any knowledge, and what they do is talk and talk only. In particular, they do nothing real.

Don't be afraid to start small:

This is probably one of the most important things to take from Rework. The author repeats it so many times that we just have to tell it. First of all, there is a lot of beauty in small companies - everything is small, very much personal. You personally know about every employee and his family. You become a small community of people who fight for the same idea. This is something that should be loved because as you grow older, you lose this feeling of belongingness. So don't be afraid to start with the little things — in the first turn, use whatever works for what you have, and see how things are going for you. Don't drown in too much debt because you think your idea is going to work.

If you bravely take the decision to start your business, chances are you already have a job. Instead of leaving your old job altogether, try to do both and see how things are going. Don't spend countless hours on your new business - just start thinking about it, and give a few hours of the week to develop your business idea. After some time, you will be able to decide if you need to quit your old job completely.

Starting small means that some sectors of your company will remain undeveloped, you should focus on such sectors from the beginning - these are the core sectors. These are some of the sectors without which your company cannot function. Let us once again offer an example of Vietnamese restaurants - the essential thing to open such a place, of course, food, ingredients. And you want to get the best ingredients. On the other hand, who cares about useless items like the quality of a chair at a restaurant? If you can sit on her and are not falling down, she is doing her job. At least at the time of commencement.

Let's take another example- let's say you like painting. This is your passion and it is the one thing you like to do the most. Now, one thing that you need to pay attention to is your skill. If you spend your time and money on external things like frames, then you will be left as a mediocre painting and an average painter. This also applies to music - instead of focusing on what is important to you (such as your technique) you focus on things like looks, such as looks. And once again you will end up being a good looking mediocre musician.
Finally, don't be afraid to start small, and most importantly, get the important things right.

Do not search for investor too soon:

This is another simple thing to do in a hurry in your job. As you achieve your first success, you will start looking for some investors who will help you grow your company. But by doing this you are making many mistakes. First of all, finding an investor means that your share in the company will be smaller. If things move in the right way, you will end up having less money because you were too hasty in the beginning. Secondly, by relying on the investor, you will be dependent on changing the rules of your company according to their opinion. And that's one thing you don't want.

After all, you wanted to start your own business because you had to be the leader who could make the decision. And here we come to another important thing - if you want to start a business so that you can sell it when it becomes a bit successful, then don't bother starting it. Do not believe in résumé and formal education First of all, rewrite teaches you to hire only when necessary. In this way, you will have an employee who is absolutely necessary for you, and the employee will consider himself to be responsible and there.

When it comes to hiring people yourself, be careful not to try to mimic the way people are hired in large companies. What they do is to make a list of countless job interviews, which are based on people's resumes. These two are similar to doing stupid things. You are wasting your time and that of others. Instead, trust in your own gut feeling. Instead of reading several resumes, get help from existing employees to find potential employees - if you already have good, hardworking employees, don't be afraid to ask them to help you find new ones. Why a resume is not necessary? First of all, there is a possibility that the potential employee may not have written his or her own resume. There are people who write resumes for money. Even though you will notice it during the interview, but why waste the time? Instead, do a few interviews at the behest of your current employee, and see how everything is going for you.

Failure is not just a possibility - it is necessary:

As soon as you realize this, you can deal with many failures with a calm mind. Think about it- Has Usain Bolt won every race he participated in? Definitely not. Does having a good idea mean that you are going to succeed? certainly not. So you should accept the failures, even if they are big, they will definitely come. Instead of trying to suppress it, you should accept it and get ready for it, at least emotionally. For example, suppose everything is going well, you started your business and started expanding it.

Perhaps you are thinking ahead and you have borrowed more money than you have and after some time you realize that you will not be able to repay your loan. Instead of being overly upset about it, you should acknowledge that the problem exists but should be dealt with. be honest with yourself. Say something like this: "Yes, I have failed now, but that means I now know what not to repeat in the future."

There is a good saying about the problem: "There are no problems, only solutions." If you move from this point of view to the subject, you will see that the problem can be seen as a challenge that can be solved. This type of mindset is essential when leading a business. Some highly successful people struggled early in their careers, only to become the most successful in the world later. If Bill Gates had only seen his qualifications based on academic success, we would not have Microsoft today - because Bill Gates was not really a good student.

The conclusion:

According to our opinion, this was one of the most important things to learn. But we encourage you to read the book on your own, and ask yourself to judge - maybe you can find something that is related to your personal problems. And, finally, you should remember these statements that can be found in Rework:

1Your business idea should be related to something that you will fight for - don't start a business just because you want to sell it after a few years. Do something that really matters to you.

2. Big corporate marketing is not for small honest companies- Do not try to use the way of marketing of big companies, especially in the early days of your business, instead, focus on the most important things.

3. Being a workaholic and a productive person are two complete things - if you notice that work is going a little slow, do not panic. Make it easier instead of spending many hours on unconstructive and worrying work. Take a walk, or do a set of push-ups. 1 hour of focused work is better than 10 hours of workaholic work.

4. You probably need less than you think to start your business - everyone is small in the beginning. Don't be afraid to keep it simple and small in the beginning. It will be beneficial for you in the long run.

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