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About this Book: Noise has become very much in our life. Everyday, something new is happening that we should put in our time table. Still, s...

168 Hours more time than you think - book summary - Laura Vanderkam

About this Book:

Noise has become very much in our life. Everyday, something new is happening that we should put in our time table. Still, some logs manage to stay organized, but some people get tired and fall into this trap. This book will teach you how you can make a clear time table that can make you happy as well as make it more productive and successful.

Who should read this summary?

• Single mom, working mom and stay-at-home mom
• Businessman
• manager
• Employees
• Leader of any organization

About author

Laura VanDercam is an author, speaker, writer and podcast host. He has written a lot of books on time management and productivity. His articles have appeared in "The New York Times", "The Wall Street Journal" and elsewhere. Laura's TED Talk - "How to Gain Control of Your Free Time" has been viewed more than five million times. Despite her busy schedule, she spends quality time with her husband and her five children.

168 Hours more time than you think - book summary - Laura Vanderkam

        Now we Start Book Summary:


Are you playing a lot of responsibilities at once and you need control of your life back? Are you tired and you need a break? Is your to -do list so full that you can't breathe? So we understand you.
You may feel that you are busy to the extent where you have to choose between your work, family or personal life, but if you do not need to choose any of them? How about if you get both your work and personal life and you can live a balanced life? You can run a world class company and can also enjoy a day off for hiking. How amazing is it?
This book will teach you how time works and how you can live a full life along with running a business. First of all, you will be surprised to know that whatever your understanding of spending your time is wrong. You will learn about the truth of 168 hours of the week.
When you learn to be conscious about your time, then this book will guide you in finding your special abilities, which should make you the focus of your life. Then, you can climb your next step, which is to get your dream job.
After reading this book, you will come to know that if you do not find a job anywhere else, then it is possible to create a job for yourself. Your dream job will make you even more happy, productive and creative. It can push you to do a discovery that might change the world.
Do not know the next big product or any company may need your skills. If there is anything standing between this path of yours, then it is your time and understanding to manage it. To keep your calendar under your control, you can join us and learn.

Truth of time crunch:

(The Myth Of The Time Crunch)
Do you have something that you dream of doing but you don't have time to do it? Do you have such a list of dreams that you want to achieve but you are not able to include it in your busy time table? If so, you are not alone in this.
Everyone feels that they are working excessively and are not able to get as much sleep as they want. They complain that they do not have enough time for their children and their hobbies. The surprising thing is that research has proved the thinking of all these people wrong.
When a group of people have been asked to keep a diary of what they do every day, the results have shown that everyone was sleeping more than 8 hours a night, working less than they thought Been watching more TV.
This research shows that people do not know how to spend their time. This is a problem that needs to be solved by keeping a time-log. When you know how you are spending every minute of your week, then you will be able to focus on the things you want.
However, some people claim that all their time is spent in both work and family, but there are some people who have managed to balance in both of them. Let's take Theresa Detner's exam. She is a successful woman who goes on trips with her children, hiking and even takes her dog for a walk.
Those who do not know how many responsibilities Theresa has, they may feel that she does not work or has retired. People never see them complaining or hurrying because they have full control of their lives. Theresa is actually more busy than the people you may know. He has 6 children and is also the mistress of a construction company which earns millions in a year.
You can imagine how much work is required to raise 6 children and how much focus is required to run a company. Still, Theresa has time to join a book-club. So how do they do it?
Not because of sleeping less or getting up early, but she is able to do so by being conscientious about how to spend every single minute of her day. She knows which work she needs to pay more attention to so that she can balance work, children, and her personal needs.
Time is so important for Theresa that she manages her time not by hours but by minutes. For the exam, while she waits for 10 minutes in the car, she sits in the back seat in the car and narrates the story to her children so that she can use this time.
You can also take time to read the book that you want to read for months. You can take a bath in the tub as much as you want and can also go for a walk outside.
Just you have to see where you are spending all your time and then you can bring a little change in it to fit your desires. When you focus your attention on the things that are most important to you, then you will have as much free time as you would like.

Your greatest ability

(Your Core Competencies)
When we define our life, we find that it is a collection of our daily work. Some of these tasks are very important, such as breathing, and some work is optional, such as a hobby, or a hobby. Whatever job we choose, it is our responsibility and we should keep our attention on how we spend every minute of our day.
Your greatest ability is the work that you can do better than others. If you get that great ability of yours, then you should keep your focus in these works and leave other works.
You can discover your greatest potential by doing an easy activity. Write a list of your 1000 dreams and make a list and start doing work that does not cost time and money. You will notice that there are some things in which you are in love, some in which you are very good, and some in which you feel that you are in love, but actually do not enjoy doing.
Come on, Jackie Jackie takes the exam for the camboard. A dream of reducing his weight was written in his list. When he stopped smoking, his weight started increasing again and this thing got out of his control.
She was about to get married and wanted to look beautiful wearing her wedding dress. So Jackie decides to go to the gym. The first test was Jackie's weight measurement in front of everyone in his fitness class. The instructor there told Jackie that he would have to reduce his weight before joining the class.
It was a bad experience but it did not back down. Jackie started going to the gym and did cardio exercises daily there until her weight fitness class was worth joining.
Not only was his strong intentions for Jackie moving forward, but it also helped him how much he liked to workout and be with the people. He loved the atmosphere there.
Jackie also changed her instructor and kept an instructor which was more good. Soon he reduced his weight by 40 pounds and got a certificate to teach himself gym class.
When she started teaching her class, she found that she was very good at getting people to work out. Because she herself was more weighted at times, so she considered those people who were of the same size that she used to be.
Soon, Jackie tried dance-choreography and she also liked it very much. Now Jackie learned about her great abilities and now she could go ahead and fulfill her dream of opening her own gym.
A few years later, Jackie fulfilled her dream. That was a small gym which used to have only one class, but Jackie was doing very well. Jackie now felt complete.
The background of her overweight helped her deal with people of all sizes and soon she became famous due to her great abilities.
Now Jackie has her own gym with 6 teachers and also released a DVD titled - Real World Yoga: Real People with Real Bodies " (Real World Yoga: Real People With Real Bodies) ".

You too can become like Jackie and can become famous by doing the work that you love so much. Just find the work in which you are the best, and the rest of the things will be expanded in the following chapters.

Perfect job:

(The Right Job)
Many people spend their entire lives working in such companies, which they do not like and do such work which they hate. Choosing the right job is as important as choosing your husband or wife.
If you do not do the work that you love or do such work that you do not like, then you will return home tired. By working for the right job, you will be happier, motivated and more creative.
The right job is the one that gives you the freedom of choice, challenges you, gives you good teamwork and support. You do not have to leave your job, just change the current job so that you have the money to start something.
To choose the right job, check your list of 1000 dreams. From this, you should choose those activities that grab your attention, challenge and make you happy. Now think how you can include all of them together in your current job.
Elan Crew is a very big exam who turned her dream job into reality. He grew up in a village and used to dream of flying machines since childhood. There was a time when Ilana made a hang glider (airplane without engine) with bamboo poles and duct tape. He was very happy with his creation and together with his friends, he tried to test it. They started falling down the hill and they were satisfied that they had managed to land a few feet off the ground before the glider crashed. Elan survived the crash and in high school, he tried to create something new.
With the help of his professor, he tried to create a better model of wind-tunnel. His goal was to better understand how aerodynamics works. He tried to replace the wind-tunnel support system with a magnet. Elan believed that this method would improve the model because the magnet does not interfere with the flow of air. He was rewarded for this creation, which encouraged him to grow even further. Elan did a PhD in aeronautics and made many inventions.
One of his famous inventions is SWIFT which is a plane that does not need an engine to fly. The SWIFT is also called the sail plane launched by the feet. It does not make any sound and mimics the flight of birds.
Ilana was aware of his great abilities from childhood. Do you think that he would have been so successful if he worked in a field for which he had no enthusiasm. No way.
From childhood till teenage and growing up, Ilana kept practicing and working for dreams of flying. So they succeeded. People say that hard work has to be done for a long married life. The same thing applies in completing your passion.

Control your calendar:

(Controlling Your Calendar)
Most people get immersed in the daily work of their office. They do not realize that most of these work is not necessary. You are busy does not mean that you are productive.
To make the 168 hours of your week the best, you should stop doing those things which does not add any value to your job or your life. This work is just a waste of time. You should do things of your ability instead of them.
When you clear your calendar, you will be able to focus on the things that working on will have a profound effect in your life. Come, know about John Ener who changed the lives of crores of people with his ability.
John was the founder of The Independent Press Association. After 6 years, he changed his organization from a small business to a large company that provided business service to several hundred magazines.
He then moved to another organization named "East Meets West Foundation" in Vietnam. As a leader, he tried to keep his focus in those three big abilities that could benefit the country, these were medical treatment, clean water and education.
John and his team found that 30% of children born in Vietnam who are born prematurely die soon after their birth. So they made Baby Air-machine so that these children can be saved. A year after starting this project, the study showed that there was a 10% drop in the death rate of these children, which was a very miraculous improvement.
Some people can say that the reason for his success on John Lucky Nath was to run his team in a different way. When he was asked the secret of his success, he said that the life-changing principal that he had implemented in his company was to teach all his employees how to have effective meetings.
John notices that company meetings are mostly a waste of time and he created an agenda which was shared by all the people. In this agenda, there were clear small meeting time tables where the same employees could participate who were directly involved with that work. It was useless to call everyone else in the conference.
Because of improving the time of company meeting, now the employees had more time left for their work instead of listening to the same presentations over and over again.
John knew how to clear the works from his calendar that his company was not receiving any productive value, in the result of which he and his foundation got extraordinarily success.

Anatomy of a great achievement:

(Anatomy Of A Breakthrough)
Now that you have become conscious how you are spending every minute of your day and you have cleared your calendar, now you can focus on doing something that can change the world.
Just knowing your ability and working on it is not enough. You have to keep aiming even higher. You should aim for a big achievement. You will be able to do this only when your eyes will be on your next big occasion, when you work to complete it properly, be ready for the opportunity and then you will get a CD of success.
Lia Ingram was a blogger. She used to write about weddings but she hated that work. She was so upset writing about this topic and swore that if she had to write a wedding blog again, she would kill her head on the wall.
His childhood was spent in a family that was less expensive. Despite that, by the time he reached the age of forty, Lia was drowned in debt. So she dissaid that she will now make low-budget life her new skill. She wanted to write a blog by becoming an expert on that subject, so she decided to learn something new from where she met.
Liya spent five days a week writing new blogs. He did not ask whether it would work or not, but only listened to his heart and kept working.
She did not know that the money would come from her blog on this topic or not, but she was confident that she could make it a book one day.
Took a day to meet an agent. He promised Lia that this book will definitely sell. But when that agent met many publishers, everyone said that such a topic does not sell in the market nowadays.
No publisher listened to him but Lia had great faith in herself. He continued blogging five days a week and after a year people started paying attention to him.
The economy had gone down due to which people had to adopt low-budget lifestyle. When many journalists did research on this topic, some found Lia's blog. He asked Lia for an interview.
Lia started getting more opportunities from this and a lot of money was made in her blog. Then Liya felt that this blog of hers was going to bring something big.
The biggest of them was when he got a place in the front page of "The Business Week". "It featured her photo with her husband, child and dog and wrote" "The New Age of Thrift".

New home economics:

(The New Home Economics)
In this chapter, we will talk about how people spend time at home when they are not working. This is what home economics means.
Earlier women used to spend their time cleaning and cooking for their family. And nowadays, instead of cleaning the house and doing household chores, women spend time with their children.
To manage your time at home, you should start a custom for your husband and children. Even if you do not have much time, try to put some such things in your list of 1000 dreams that you can do with your children. For exams, if you want to try baking or painting, you can do these with your children. It is like killing two birds with one stone. Now you have fulfilled a dream from your list and also spent quality time with your children.
It is also very important to strengthen your relationship with your wife or husband. If you keep fighting all day with your partner, then you will never feel motivated to live a productive and fulfilling life. Therefore, you need to set a time for your husband or wife.
If you can leave your children with someone, then you should go on a trip on date-night or weekend. If you cannot do this, after your children are asleep, spend time with your partner by creating a romantic atmosphere at home for a few hours. With this you will not have to go outside the house. Only you can prepare your house courtyard or balcony for your date.
To better explain the economics of the new house and to tell how it is different now than before, let us hear the story of two different women. One is of the old age and the other is of today.
Mrs. Thelma Mayer dates back to 1990 and was the idol of a perfect wife. While living with her nine children, she used to keep her house clean, cooking and baking for the family every day. Some of his responsibilities were - to wash 15 baskets of clothes a week, wash a lot of utensils daily, mop and clean.
When their children grew up, they started helping in their work. But despite his help, still much remains to be done. Mrs. Mayer had no time left to do anything fun. When their children slept, they used to do sewing or cooking for the next time.
In ancient times, women were always engaged in taking care of their children and home. But nowadays, women work all day and then come home and look after other needs. The times have changed, but this does not mean that women are more or less busy. The atmosphere has changed, but there is no difference in the hours of work.
Maureen Bedis is a modern mother. She has an only child and works as a Senior Director of Vision Council in a non-profit organization. The biggest thing was that his husband was in the army, due to which he could not help Maureen in any work.
But Maureen did all the work in some way. She used to go jogging with her dog at 5:30 in the morning, then when her daughter woke up at 6:30, they would go for breakfast together and start preparing for their day. Maureen used to go to office after her daughter left school.
At 5:00 in the evening, Maureen took her daughter and reached home to have dinner together, then everyone went for a walk with their dog. At 7:30, Maureen put her daughter to sleep and after that she cleaned as much as possible for half an hour. Then she used to work in her office till 9:30.
There is a perfect time table for a working mother. Maureen used to get 8 hours of sleep. However, she is quite busy but still used to take time out for her children, for exercise, for cleanliness and for her organization projects.


With the change in the economics of the new home, the world has changed. Our daily work has increased and it seems that we do not have much time left for our family to have more fun.
Demanding jobs and having more than one child is not a problem for everyone. Some people manage and run the work. This book is made on the study of people like him, in which it is told that how some people manage everything and some do not.
In this book, you have learned to keep time logs so that you will realize how you are spending your time. You also learned that knowing the work you are doing every day helps you clean your calendar and you can keep only the things that mean the most to your productivity.
Along with this, this book helped you to understand yourself better. You have learned which are the greatest abilities of your life and how you can change them into great success.
Track your time, lighten your calendar and keep your focus in the things that matter to you, and then you will be able to have a perfect balanced life.

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